2024 Auditions
The Lutheran Chorale of Milwaukee is currently seeking singers! Please review the requirements and audition information below. Once you request an audition, the director will contact you to arrange a date, time and location for the audition.
Membership Requirements
Member in good standing of a Wisconsin Synod (WELS) or Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) congregation
Attend rehearsals on Sunday evenings (6:30-8:30 p.m. most weeks) at Wisconsin Lutheran High School
Perform in the Christmas and Spring concerts
Have moderate to advanced music reading skills, including identifying pitch on the staff, have an understanding of counting, and be able to sight-read middle-difficulty musical passages
Pay membership fee ($20 per semester)
Provide your own concert attire (Outlined here)
Audition Preparation
Fill out the online audition form (Start by clicking the button below)
Prepare a hymn of your choice, singing your voice-part - Choose a hymn that showcases your voice
Warm up on your own before you come
Audition Procedure
Your vocal range will be tested through basic vocal exercises (you should come warmed up).
You will sing your own voice-part on your chosen hymn.
You will sightread a passage of music
If necessary, your "tonal memory" will be tested. The director will sing a short phrase and ask you to remember it and sing right back.