Lynn Kozlowski, Accompanist
B.S. in Elementary Education – Dr. Martin Luther College
What was your career like?
I retired in 1997 from teaching elementary school for almost 40 years. I taught five years each in Lutheran schools in Red Wing, MN, and Oconomowoc, WI, and 29 years in West Allis Public Schools
When did you first become part of Chorale and when did you begin your current role?
I joined the Chorale in 1968 and I became the accompanist around 1970.

What do you love about what you do in Chorale?
I love singing God’s praise with fellow Christians, performing challenging and worthy literature, and accompanying and working with accomplished musicians
What is you favorite music quote?
“I place music next to theology and give it the highest praise.” ~Martin Luther
What is your life like outside of Chorale?
My life mostly involves music – playing and practicing organ and piano, attending symphony and other concerts, organizing the Third Thursday Noontime concerts (have done 90 of them to date). Also reading, sewing, theater, entertaining friends, traveling.
What is your favorite piece of choral music?
Bach Cantata "Christ Lag in Todesbanden"
What is a fun fact about you?
I model vintage clothing in fashion shows for Goodwill.
Other Music Experience:
Piano lessons with my mother from age six, continued at DMLC through high school and college and first years of teaching
Organ lessons at DMLC with Emil Backer, Bruce Backer, Ames Anderson, and Martin Albrecht/ further study with Sr. Mary Jane Wagner in Milwaukee/ several master classes including Paul Jacobs
Church organist since 1958 at St. John’s in Red Wing, St. Matthew’s in Oconomowoc, Gloria Dei/Bethesda in Milwaukee, and currently at St. John’s in Wauwatosa since about 1975
AGO certifications – Service Playing and Colleague (CAGO)